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part 1 - its 6 FEBRUARY 2011 !

Posted by Amir Aidid - -

salam , its 06 february 2011 and hell-to-the-yeah its my birthday ! my gorgeous 20th birthday . auwww . i hardly cant believe that my age dah 20 tahun ini , from 19 to 20 . although it is only a year different tapi beza pangkal 1 berubah kepada 2 , thats make it different .

like seriously , memang banyak yang berubah ;

first , im starting to think about being in relationship . :O BHAHA . but , siapa laa yang nak kat ame nie . anyone ?

second , a fight with own bff , not to say big fight , but , this fight really mengganggu ame and i have zero idea how to settle this thing . this fight grab my smile away . :((

these two major thing sangat mengganggu ame on my birthday , its on my birthday , kenapa laa tidak hari lain . (( but again , i should be happy right ? hell-O its a new year , new life and new journey for me ! kan kan ?

i dont fucking care bout people who pissed me off !
terima kasih .
p/s ; later ada part 2 , 3 and maybe 4 , list of my presents , wishes , much more . auww . interesting huh ?